
Questions discussed in this category

i.e. platelet count <30. Would your management change if HIT were only suspected rather than confirmed?  

Should we stop checking factor VIII levels as part of thrombosis workup?

FVL heterozygotes are often treated similarly to the general population. Aside from avoiding other VTE risk factors, are there situations where prophy...

How does cirrhosis and/or underlying thrombophilia affect your decision?

For example, for outpatients or resource-limited settings with a moderate probability 4-T score (but low clinical suspicion), would you ever consider ...

e.g. in the setting of using prophylactic heparin in the past but now requiring therapeutic anticoagulation

Would you offer indefinite anticoagulation if the event is unprovoked and the patient has low bleeding risk? 

I.e., what constitutes well-controlled cancer, IBD, nephrotic syndrome, etc. What other diseases do you put in this category (obesity, autoimmune dise...

Provoked or unprovoked VTE: Do you use D-Dimer (or even repeat imaging to reassess residual clot) in any capacity to guide anticoagulation duration? E...

While there are many factors involving:- type (DVT vs PE, unprovoked vs provoked) and severity of venous thromboembolism (VTE) size- duration of antic...

While follow up ultrasound is not usually recommended in provoked DVT, it often is done either for other reasons or by other physicians. Would this in...

Is there any difference between anticoagulants in this clinical context (e.g. anti-Xa inhibitors vs warfarin vs LMWH)?

Does having a concurrent consumptive process e.g. DIC change your management? 

- Dialysis catheter used for hemodialysis- RIJ thrombus in dialysis catheter was incidentally found- Patient asymptomatic with no prior history of VTE...

While thrombophilia testing is not routinely recommended prior to starting OCPs, how about after the development of a VTE?

Ref: EINSTEIN-CHOICE and AMPLIFY-EXT Would you approach this differently in patients with inherited thrombophilias?

Is there a preferred strategy of transfusional support versus reduced-dose anticoagulation during the duration of thrombocytopenia?

Would you offer this routinely or only if specific complications arise, such as distal emboli?

Would it make a difference if the VTE diagnosis occurs during bevacizumab therapy or whether it preceded the cancer diagnosis?

Papers discussed in this category

Acta Paediatr., 2020 Mar 23

Blood Transfus, 2018 Oct 24

J Thromb Haemost, 2018 May 08

J Vasc Interv Radiol, 2020 Sep 09

Blood, 2013-12-05

Blood Adv,


PLoS One, 2021 Apr 08

N Engl J Med, 2021 Apr 14

J Natl Cancer Inst, 2011 Jul 09

Br J Clin Pharmacol, 2020 Jun 02

Semin Hematol,

Expert Rev Hematol, 2019 Jul 05

J Thromb Thrombolysis,

Blood advances, 2018-11-27

Blood advances, 2018-11-27

Autoimmun Rev, 2017 Sep 09

Blood Adv, 2017 Jun 22