Questions discussed in this category
How do you "have the talk" in a way that is straightforward without emotionally crushing the patient?
Are there particular drugs you avoid or dose-adjustments that are recommended?
I've seen a handful of fatal radiation pneumonitis associated with rapid steroid tapers by the non-treating physicians. How do you recommend prescribi...
Do you use a cutoff of 10 cm? Do you measure the size of the largest node or measure the largest conglomerate or measure the total length of the entir...
J Clin Oncol 40, 2022 (suppl 17; abstr LBA2).
How does graft function play into your decision making? How do you utilize post allogeneic transplant chimerism in clinical practice? Do you obta...
Would you biopsy lymph node to confirm recurrence/histology?
If confirmed, how do you decide between RT vs chemotherapy? If chemo - BEP x3 vs E...
Presuming strong indication for ASA - eg history of NSTEMI
Should we stop checking factor VIII levels as part of thrombosis workup?
(e.g. beta 2 glycoprotein IgM > 20 but <40)
In patients who continue to have insomnia despite diphenhydramine, benzos, and trazodone, are there other evidence based treatments that are helpful?
If hydroxyurea modifies the course of sickle cell disease by increasing fetal hemoglobin, is there any benefit to using it in patients with fetal hemo...
Do you routinely check IgG levels during therapy, if not indicated by a study protocol?
While L-glutamine has minimal side effects and would likely be added after hydrea, how do you decide between the use of voxelotor and crizanlizumab?
If so, what regimen do you utilize?
How would the approach differ if the patient had a significant bleeding phenotype vs only minor bruising and mucosal bleeding?
If serum markers were normal, how strongly do you consider 1 cycle of BEP for embryonal predominant pathology?
This type of etoposide sparing therapy has been previously described in a case series at
Last rituximab 6 months ago
Is this an artifact of what agent prior clinical trials used or something to do with mechanism of action (ie less mineralocorticoid effect of dex)?
Would the answer differ if the index event was arterial vs venous?
VIP can be considered, but given complex psychosocial issues and limited community cancer treatment resources, this question is being asked.
How do you sequence/integrate radiotherapy relative to high risk chemotherapy?
When would you consider cranial/craniospinal radiotherapy?
What is the impact among patients and providers?
Has your documentation been adjusted now that patients can readily review?
If so, how long after diagnosis do you do so?
NCCN guidelines state check at baseline and then as clinically indicated. Some other sources state, can check prior to each cycle of BEP?
What ...
Are there situations in which a Deauville 3 would cause you to escalate therapy?
Assuming it has previously been treated with excision and steroid injections? Is it reasonable to treat a bothersome keloid in a pediatric patient aft...
This is particularly relevant for patients with extensive delays due to wound healing issues.
Does the degree of resectability affect your management?
Does treatment with B-cell depletion and/or negative anti-spike antibody status despite COVID mRNA vaccination influence your decision?
FVL heterozygotes are often treated similarly to the general population. Aside from avoiding other VTE risk factors, are there situations where prophy...
Are there particular clinical scenarios that would affect your decision?
Such as the case in which a patient is unresponsive to steroids, IVIG, TPO-agonist, rituximab, splenectomy, and even fostamitinib.
Assuming patient is <45 years old with cervical, vulvar, vaginal, anal, or head/neck cancers, or with CIN/VIN/VaIN/AIN/ oropharyngeal precancerous ...
The patient already received PLADO+sorafenib, Y90, and Atezolizumab/Bevacizumab complicated by recurrent episodes of bleeding from esophageal varices....
e.g. DITP from eptifibatide after a cardiac intervention
If not, how should you select those cases that should be referred?
IVIG, TPO, or other agents?
Given persistent embryonal histology on RPLND, do you favor observation or TIP/VIP? What do you use to guide your decision?
When/how often do you order imaging?
How does your treatment approach vary depending on the underlying predisposition?
Given the POLARIX study data presented at ASH 2021, will this replace R-CHOP as the standard of care therapy in your practice? If not, how will y...
Are there specific vaccines you recommend repeating, or do you recommend a catch-up schedule?
Is there a role for more advanced delivery techniques
Would you offer indefinite anticoagulation if the event is unprovoked and the patient has low bleeding risk?
Individuals often cite ARST0332 to justify radiation omission in high grade R0 resections, but R0 was defined as > 5 mm margins.
If a staging RPLND is NOT performed, is there a role for prophylactically irradiating the lymph nodes, even in the setting of a negative PET/CT at dia...
Also is there value in using voxelotor for the purpose of reducing hemolysis, and if so what parameters do you use to determine when to initiate voxel...
If so, what dose and fractionation would you recommend?
What dose/fractionation regimen is most appropriate?
-i.e. 12 Gy in 4 fractions, but would you modify that approach in a young patient?
What i...
Is there a particular sequence you would adjust contributing antirejection or antimicrobial medications? Is the use of G-CSF appropriate and at what c...
How does belumosudil now fit in your approach to steroid refractory chronic graft-versus-host disease?
Would extent of surgical resection matter?
Do these patients need CSI (like Pineoblastoma), just local radiation, or something in-between (say whole ...
Hydroxyurea is demonstrated to reduce complications and improve long-term outcomes in severe genotypes HbSS and sickle beta0 thalassemia. What clinica...
Are there other supportive care interventions that would otherwise be covered by hospice?
What if the patient is triple-positive or has continued seropositivity on repeat lab testing? What is the appropriate interval of monitoring and does ...
For patients not on study, would you consider replacing missed doses of peg with a non-asparaginase based chemotherapy?
Provoked or unprovoked VTE: Do you use D-Dimer (or even repeat imaging to reassess residual clot) in any capacity to guide anticoagulation duration? E...
Is an LP only recommended in the setting of particular subtypes of lymphoma or symptoms of CNS disease?
Have you used anticoagulants other than coumadin? Or is that the only appropriate agent given monitoring is based on PT/INR?
If yes, by what mechanism?
The patient initially presented with an large renal tumor encasing the IVC and abutting the abdominal aorta. Given this, the patient received inductio...
Would you offer liver transplant in the setting of metastatic disease?
Do your recommendations differ between those who receive ABVD and escalated BEACOPP?
Do you recommend consultation with fertility specialists for all...
Especially with the current drug shortage of nelarabine.
While building a trusting patient-physician relationship, what therapies could be discussed that may be aligned with naturopathic medicine? (i.e. L-gl...
There are multiple difficulties that could be seen: steroids can precipitate a sickle cell crisis, vasculitis and sickle cell can produce similar clin...
How do you incorporate PD-L1 blockade?
Does manipulation of blood products (leukoreduction, irradiated) affect your approach? There is growing evidence that routine premedication (at least ...
In particular, is there any data on the efficacy of Ipilimumab/Nivolumab?
While this is a known risk factor for venous [Meijers et al NEJM 2000] and potentially arterial [Yang et al, Am J Clin Pathol 2006] thrombosis, it is ...
Are there major differences in standard conditioning and/or GVHD prophylaxis regimens utilized?
Does the non-relapse mortality different significantl...
Would this change with someone who has a history of thrombosis (e.g. DVT/PE, MI, CVA)?
Would this change with someone who is more fit vs more frail?
To minimize the likelihood of asymmetrical growth, when is it of sufficient concern to necessitate altering planning objects?
When planning paediatri...
Results of AHOD1331 are not yet known, but adults have started using Brentuximab upfront for high risk patients
Such as patients who are frail, elderly, renally impaired?
Would you consider sirolimus over cyclosporine or tacrolimus for safer nephrotoxicity prof...
How often do you monitor ADAMTS-13 levels off therapy?
For example, do we prefer one regimen over the other in patients with a bleeding history or who have relapsed after a lengthy remission?
In follow up to @Jacqueline Casillas presentation at ASCO 2021 regarding models of survivorship care delivery for AYA patients.
Patient received Pazopanib upfront with Ifos/Dox. Pulmonary metastatectomy is not an option as there are multiple mets.
If given both options, which donor would one prefer: haploidentical related donor or 7/8 mismatched unrelated donor using post transplant cyclophospha...
NCCN guideline V4.2021 DLBCL page BCEL-3 states stage I-II, bulky >= 7.5cm should be treated with 6 cycles of RCHOP, but most bone lymphoma studies...
Is there a role for empiric antibiotics if there is history of opportunistic infection?
With a strong family history
Both the patient's nasopharyngeal swab and stem cells themselves resulted COVID positive post-harvesting.
Would you plan straight pediatric dosing using 2500 Units/m2 or a cap of 3750 Units as used in some adult ALL regimens due to excess liver/pancreas to...
It used to be a contraindication for G-CSF use for AML patients, but currently, several protocols include it to decrease neutropenic duration.
s/p optimal debulking.
If this was an early-stage cancer would it change your adjuvant therapy recommendations?
While benefits outweigh known harms and limited data, do you worry about vaccination in patients with a history of or active autoimmune cytopenias (e....
Do you follow the 2019 EULAR Guidelines that SLE patients with asymptomatic, positive aPL should be on low-dose ASA?
Adults tend to do this procedure earlier in the course, but it is unclear when it is appropriate for a pediatric patient, and is often considered too ...
Would you consider this type of patient as having polycythemia?
What is the best way to counsel families in regards to their child's risk of infertility and need for fertility preservation?
Would you use ALK inhibitors such as crizotinib based on recent phase II data?
Are there any research efforts to combine ALK inhibitors with current ...
Would your counseling change if she reported a history of unplanned pregnancy? Is there any wording or waiver you might be able to use warning her of ...
What is the potential differential diagnoses for low iron saturation?
Do you always treat with the full 21-day treatment course, or can defibrotide be stopped if certain criteria are met sooner?
Based on St. Judes, DFCI, and BFM data, COG has recently decreased the length of therapy for males with B-Cell ALL. Can this be extrapolated to ...
What is the role of methylene blue prophylaxis?
Do you prefer a cHL chemotherapy backbone or PMBL chemotherapy backbone?
What is the timing and role of surgery and RT at salvage for a lung recurrence?
Patient initially presented with lung metastases, but achieved ...
While thrombophilia testing is not routinely recommended prior to starting OCPs, how about after the development of a VTE?
Would you have reservations in treating patients with breast, GI, or pelvic malignancies with radiation alone or concurrent chemoradiation?
Especially in a triple-positive patient with an acute ischemic stroke who may have urgency for anticoagulation with high bleeding risk and severe thro...
How should the need for dose homogeneity be managed relative to the proximity of these target volumes to the spine?
Are AREN0321(HR), 0532(...
At what frequency and for how long should echos be monitored?
The patient who has not responded to steroids, rituximab/bendamustine, and splenectomy?
Is chemotherapy recommended for M+ germinoma?
CR to chemo; Spine MRI negative; CSF negative
Is CSI required or whole brain radiation is sufficient f...
Would you give a trial of IST first or immediately refer for SCT if the patient has matched siblings?
Has your medical practice taken any steps either in community outreach or within the clinic to show support for this medically vulnerable population, ...
What if there is residual soft tissue disease? Would you treat a distant metastatic site if only 1 or 2 metastatic sites total with gross residu...
During the Stimate recall, how are we performing DDAVP challenges for newly diagnosed hemophilia A or von Willebrand disease?
Are most places administering oral iron as once daily or every other day dosing due to upregulation of hepicidin receptors following oral iron adminis...
There is no uniform guideline in the literature. AAP recommends until 5 years old or 1-year post-splenectomy. Some for 5 years post-splectomy.
Have the RAPID or CALGB 5064 studies changed your treatment approach?
What volume and dose would you use?
Do you cone down to gross residual (and stop elective nodal coverage) after 36Gy or 41.4Gy?
Parameningeal group III, stage III alveolar rhabdo.
Specifically, are there strategies you use to 1) empower patients to participate in decision-making and 2) reassure patients who may be skeptical?
Does tumor type matter? Are there issues are associated with overcorrecting anemia during radiation?
ARST 1431 indicated: 30Gy (PTV2=GTV2); 25Gy (PTV1=CTV2+2mm) in 5 fractions. With complete response to chemo, how do you defined GTV2?
There is evidence that parents do not adequately understand the purpose of phase I pediatric cancer trials (
Given the high cost of eculizumab, are there patient characteristics that inform which patients, if any, should be on indefinite therapy versus a time...
How do you manage an uncomplicated DHTFR versus a hyperhemolysis?
For example, a patient with hypogonadism unless it matters which organ is involved. Are other markers of iron storage useful in guiding therapy?
When offering ifosfamide / etoposide for relapsed osteosarcoma, patient is being given 2.8mg/m2 of ifosfamide. Is 6-8 cycles exceeding any known lifet...
For example, in a patient who is steroid-refractory, requiring regular transfusion, and has not had response to rituximab after several weeks.
FOXO1 translocation positive
Presented at ASH: FLIGHT trial
AREN 0532 kidney constraint is whole kidney <14.4Gy and 50% kidney <19.8Gy. If treating whole abdomen to 21Gy for diffuse unresectable peritonea...
Is radiation always indicated?
AREN 0532 specified 10.8Gy flank with 10.8Gy boost to gross residual in all recurrent Wilms patients. However, NWTS-5 ...
If standard of care BEP chemo, tandem transplant, and radiation to primary site have been done previously.
If so, what additional testing do you send?
When the original tumor extent is substantial (displaces normal abdominopelvic organs), but responds well to therapy (i.e. as of week 12) - How would ...
What if the patient had also received HIPEC prior?
If autoimmune neutropenia already suspected, is this test informative or unnecessary?
What is the lowest level you have seen with uncomplicated or complicated crises?
ACNS1123 classified patients as NGGCT if serum & CSF AFP >10 ng/mL or bHCG >100 mIU/ml irrespective of biopsy results & did not mandate ...
Patient treated per AAML0531
There are various formulations of intravenous iron; each with varying costs, test dose requirement, elemental dose, and number or time of infusions ne...
Particular patient is s/p 2 HSCTs
There are mixed recommendations about re-testing vs simply waiting for a quarantine period prior to resuming therapy.
Late relapse is > 36 months from diagnosis.
Is there a preferred strategy of transfusional support versus reduced-dose anticoagulation during the duration of thrombocytopenia?
With the new COG leukemia studies, it is difficult to interpret these results in the context of their clinical status and conventional MRD
Are there other practical tips for improving the patient setup in this patient population to minimize potential acute and late effects?
We have a patient with stage IIa Hodgkin's disease with a cluster of lymphadenopathy in the cervical area. The diameter of the cluster is 6.1cm per CT...
Do you give RT to the entire extent of disease at presentation or just regions with slow early response? Is it necessary to irradiate all known extent...
Do you radiate the paraaortic chain to 10.8Gy then boost gross residual with 1cm block edge margin to 19.8Gy or simply treat the entire paraaortic cha...
The NCI PDQ on pediatric NHL ( indicates that bone marrow biopsy and aspirat...
Do you treat in a response adjusted fashion as per ACNS1123 Stratum 2: 18-24 Gy whole ventricle with 12 Gy boost? Are there any situations where you d...
Is there a role for dose escalation? Would you recommend sequential or SIB?
Is there more of a role for surgery vs. dose escalated RT in EWSR1-non-ET...
What if this was "triple-negative" antiphospholipid syndrome?
The new mass was noted on imaging after primary tumor resection and 3 cycles of BEP chemotherapy.
Would you test for bone marrow failure syndromes before beginning the conditioning regimen?
Patient's leukemia has both T and Myeloid lineages
-Are there settings where group II disease does not need RT?-Are there additional genetic alterations in fusion negative RMS patients that can be used...
What are the data supporting this?
Or do you use prophylactic defibrotide?
I have heard <20% MRD. What about proceeding if patient is hypoplastic after chemotherapy?
If proton therapy is not available would you consider radiosurgery?
How would your management differ if residual disease is present?
If you do what dose and fractionation do you recommend?
Utility of maintenance chemotherapy per ACNS0831 in patients with anaplastic ependymoma
For example, if the patient was on dasatinib before relapse, would you consider other second generation or third generation TKIs?
After optimizing symptoms and reversible factors, and attempting cognitive-behavioral interventions and exercise, do you recommend pharmacologic agent...
Is it higher than the average person?
Parameningeal disease with distant metastatic deposits to lymph nodes and lungs, fusion negative. What are the considerations for cyclophosphamide dos...
Presented with mass projecting into right/left anterior ethmoid complex
The patient previously received the P6 regimen.
Should the goal always be to proceed to a second transplant?
CT scans show omental and pelvic disease.
Would you consider “bridging” therapy with something like an HMA?
Are there general ages that you refer to in terms of risk of secondary malignancy or points dropped for IQ over time after treatment, or particular he...
Should they be context/disease specific?
Should use of chemotherapy before/after, or during radiotherapy modify these tolerances?
Contexts: ex...
Stage 4/group 4 due to dissemination in peritoneal fluid. Translocation negative; treated per intermediate risk protocol on study arm ARST1431 VAC/VI ...
Would you recommend screening MRIs for children who have RB1 mutations but have not yet developed retinoblastoma?
Is it at neutrophil recovery, at documentation of CR on bone marrow biopsy, or is there a different point in time?
If so, what dose would you consider in the setting of complete and incomplete repeat surgical resection?
How would you sequence this with salvage sys...
Do you find that one method is more sensitive than the other?
Does acute leukemia sub-type affect your decision?
Should this be based off of the response? or the site of disease such as bone vs soft tissue?What data are there to dictate that the prior (response, ...
What are there most evidence-based options?
E.g. a patient with progression of their primary cancer but still is testing COVID19+ over a month after infection?
Assuming CBC w/ different and complete metabolic panel are within normal limits, what (if any) further evaluation or management is needed?
If you had to recommend two options, one of which was palliation, what would your second option be?
i.e. Should concurrent therapy be given?, Does MGMT matter? What are the current most promising therapeutic approaches? Should we always treat based o...
Are you placing more weight on patient risk factors such as age >65 or co-morbidities?
If so, what dose would you recommend?
Discuss the role of mAb in DIPG.
How are you changing your parent/visitor policies?
Are you testing for COVID-19 in all febrile patients? Has COVID-19 changed the care settings...
Would you manage this histology any differently relative to other low grade gliomas? Is a STR a definite indication for postoperative XRT?
What if the patient has a history of confirmed COVID-19 but has since recovered?
Discussion of treatment options for midline low-grade glioma causing life-altering symptoms in a pregnant patient to avoid teratogenicity.
At what age would you treat an early stage hodgkins lymphoma patient with ABVD + RT (adult treatment) vs OEPA x 2 or AV-PC x 3 (pediatric paradigm)?&n...
Outcomes for these patients are dismal, so looking for any insight on how to optimize outcomes for these patients.
Do you limit it to post-pubertal patients? Do you offer it only if they will proceed with bone marrow transplantation after CAR-T?
GI work up negative. NGS cancer type and isochromosome 12p ordered and pending. Pathology at RPLND was negative for cancer.
Obviously, patient and caregiver preferences are paramount. But, what factors do you consider? Does expanded hospice (e.g., Medicare Care Choices) inf...
Following local therapy, what is your choice of systemic therapy?
Acknowledging that there is no time for good trials yet in this setting
How would you approach a patient who is receiving chemoRT but has confirmed COVID-19 with minor symptoms, as breaking treatment for 2 weeks quarantine...
A case report ( describes severe COVID-19 infection in a pediatric oncology patient.
Have you seen simil...
Scanning beam only machines are being increasingly marketed, it could be problematic if you can't use them to treat the one site which is most appropr...
The more recent NWTS trials do not include these tumors, since rhabdoid are recognized to not be similar to Wilms, and the AREN0321 does not provide s...
Should the patient be admitted for observation which will risk exposing other immunocompromised patients to COVID-19, or should the patient be quarant...
How do you prevent early menopause in women? Please comment on freezing of eggs, oophopexy, supine vs prone position, vaginal dialator.
Guidelines indicate RCHOPx3 +RT as category I and RCHOP x 6 below that; long term f/u for SWOG 8736 showed similar PFS and OS. Do you have and approac...
-The data on induction for adult H&N ca has been mixed (excluded NPX) but recent data suggest a benefit for adult NPX.
-Given that this is standa...
When covering with radiation what dose and technique do you favor, electrons, IMRT, brachytherapy, protons?
Would you offer repeat CSI or favor chemotherapy?
Some emerging data of improved up front therapy shifting recurrence to CNS as sanctuary site, is focal RT approach (i.e. SRS) reasonable or is CSI a s...
With the recent publication of multi-institutional trial data, should this now become standard of care?
Is there a role for adjuvant radiation? Other chemotherapy options?
Would the translocation status influence your decision? Are there specific subsites where elective radiotherapy likely offers a higher therapeutic rat...
Is there a role for immunotherapy outside of trial setting?
Would you consider radical cystectomy equivelant in terms of local control and how do you balance morbidity of radiation with morbidity of non-organ p...
Comments regarding risk of Moyamoya
In a patient with high risk rhabdomyosarcoma with significant marrow involvement (Stage IV), who has responded completely on imaging to all known site...
Would you treat this with whole-abdomen RT with a boost? What dose would you recommend? This would be Stage 1, Group 2 (R1 resection), low risk; but l...
Does the St. Jude's Experience (NEJM 2009, PMID: 19553647) provide sufficient justification for routine omission in high risk patients?
Is it recommended in every pediatric patient? Are there any guidelines for organ-specific surveillance after XRT for children based on age, dose...
What fields would you use for adjuvant RT? SBRT vs. whole brain?
For example, if there was a common iliac node, does external iliac nodal region also need to be included? When, if ever, do you include the exter...
Would the risk of secondary malignancy affect the decision?
Assuming CSF is negative for neoplastic cells would you:
Re-irradiate gross disease only?
Re-irradiate posterior fossa only?
Re-irradiate the entir...
Is there any role for consolidative RT/CRT to the lung and mediastinum after initial chemo? What dose and fractionation would be most appropriate for ...
We often see young women with favorable, early stage disease in the mediastinum who have had a complete response to chemotherapy. With current smaller...
If so in what circumstances and what margin is acceptable? ACNS 0331 recently showed no difference in outcomes when comparing IFRTboost vs ...
Can you use SBRT for boost?
What is the risk of joint issues if you treat the epitrochlear nodes?
What dose do you recommend?
After ABVE-PC X4 and Ifos/vinorelbine x 2 per AHOD 0831 (and is unable to have these sites biopsied), what dose would you treat to and what volume wou...
What if there is a CR to chemo?
Are the results of AHOD0031 practice changing?
AREN0533 schema requires knowledge of 1p16q status, though this test is not available off-protocol. How does this affect management for patients treat...
My patient’s family has asked that I don’t tell her that she has metastatic cancer because it will devastate her. I am planning on palliat...
It seems that with the arms up, you get better lung blocking but with arms akimbo, you might have a lower dose to the humeral head.
Papers discussed in this category
Gynecol Oncol, 2019 Aug 16
Clinical lung cancer, 2016-01
Journal for immunotherapy of cancer, 2018-08-31
Pediatric blood & cancer, 2010-01
Pediatr Blood Cancer, 2008-09-01
Pediatric blood & cancer, 2010-01
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2014-11-10
Br J Radiol,
Burns, 2014 Apr 24
Pediatrics, 2013-01
Pediatrics, 2016-02
International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics, 2018-09-01
Practical radiation oncology, 2015
Cancer, 2004-08-15
Br. J. Haematol., 2003-11-01
Br. J. Haematol., 1998-08-01
Cancer, 1990-11-15
Radiother Oncol, 1990-01-01
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2004-08-01
Nature, 2014-02-27
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2016-07-20
Cancer cell, 2015-05-11
Neuro-oncology, 2016-07-01
Pediatric blood & cancer, 2007-12
Lancet (London, England), 2010-07-24
Neuro-oncology, 2016-10
BMC cancer, 2014-04-12
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2016-07-01
Acta neuropathologica, 2016-06
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2018-04-01
Cancer Discov, 2020 Apr 1
Cancer Cell,
Acta Neuropathol, 2020 Jun
Int J Cancer, 2019 Apr 03
J. Radiat. Res., 2017-05-01
J. Neurooncol., 2003-01-01
International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics, 2008-03-01
The Lancet. Oncology, 2006-10
International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics, 2010-08-01
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 1999-03
Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys., 2017-01-01
Journal of neuro-oncology, 2012-01
American journal of clinical oncology, 2012-02
Eur. J. Cancer, 2017-03-01
International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics, 2012-10-01
Journal of neuro-oncology, 2014-05
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 2000 May 1
Journal of neuro-oncology, 2015-05
Journal of neurosurgery. Pediatrics, 2016-04
Pediatric blood & cancer, 2016-03
International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics, 2018-02-01
J. Pediatr. Hematol. Oncol., 1999 Sep-Oct
International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics, 2017-12-01
The Lancet. Oncology, 2017-08
Pediatrics, 2010-04
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2016-03-20
Pediatr Blood Cancer, 2011 Apr 07
Cancer, 1994-01-01
Med. Pediatr. Oncol.,
Arch. Dis. Child.,
Pediatric blood & cancer, 2018-05
Br. J. Haematol.,
International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics, 2013-04-01
International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics, 2008-06-01
Practical radiation oncology, 2016
Clin. Cancer Res.,
International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics, 2004-07-15
International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics, 2013-11-01
Ann. Oncol.,
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2003-04-15
Cancer, 2011-06-15
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2015-09-20
The Lancet. Oncology, 2016-10
Fertil. Steril., 2013 Sep 05
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2007-02-20
Acta Neuropathol., 2011 Jan 29
J. Neurol. Sci., 2006 Dec 26
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2017-09-01
International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics, 2010-11-01
Pediatric hematology and oncology, 1997
Cancer, 2001-04-15
The Lancet. Oncology, 2017-07
Cancer, 2019-08-01
Cancer, 2011-11-01
Cancer, 2014-12-01
J. Neurooncol., 2016 Jul 16
Practical radiation oncology, 2013
AJR Am J Roentgenol,
Strahlenther Onkol, 2013 May 25
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys,
Eur J Pediatr,
J Pediatr Hematol Oncol,
Clin Pediatr Endocrinol, 2015 Oct 24
Arch Dis Child,
Blood, 2018-10-18
J. Clin. Oncol., 2019 Sep 25
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2016-09-01
J. Clin. Oncol., 2019 Sep 12
Pediatric blood & cancer, 2018-08
Pediatric blood & cancer, 2008-02
Pediatric blood & cancer, 2007-05
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2007-07-20
J. Clin. Oncol., 2020 Mar 05
Eur. J. Cancer, 2020 Jan 28
J. Pediatr., 2014 Oct 21
J. Pediatr. Hematol. Oncol.,
Neuro-oncology, 2014-01
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2002-07-01
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2012-07-20
Lancet Oncol., 2020 Feb 14
Ann. Oncol., 2020 Mar 26
Hong Kong medical journal = Xianggang yi xue za zhi, 2003-12
Lancet, 2020 Mar 04
Intensive Care Med, 2020 Mar 03
Lancet, 2020 Jan 24
Int J Antimicrob Agents, 2020 Feb 17
Cell Res, 2020 Feb 04
Biosci Trends, 2020 Jan 28
Pediatrics, 2020 Mar 16
J. Clin. Oncol., 2019 Sep 10
Acta Paediatr., 2020 Mar 23
Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 2005-09-21
Eur. J. Cancer,
Br. J. Cancer, 2007 Jan 30
American journal of hematology, 2018-08
Blood, 2019-04-04
Am. J. Hematol., 2019 Nov 19
J. Neurosurg., 2017 Mar 03
Acta Neurochir (Wien), 2019 Jan 29
J. Neurooncol., 2018 Apr 06
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2009-08-01
Neuro-oncology, 2015-03
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2016-04-01
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2015-11-20
The New England journal of medicine, 2005-03-10
The Lancet. Oncology, 2018-06
J Clin Oncol, 2018 Aug 09
J Clin Oncol, 2020 Apr 24
Br. J. Haematol., 2020 Apr 30
JAMA Oncol, 2020 Jan 16
European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990), 2019-05
Pediatr Blood Cancer, 2019 Jun 19
The Lancet. Oncology, 2018-08
Journal of neuro-oncology, 2018-12
J. Neurooncol., 2019 Mar 04
Mol. Cancer Ther., 2016 Jun 20
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