Do you utilize genomic testing (oncotype, breast cancer index) in HR positive breast cancer to make recommendations regarding the duration of endocrine therapy?
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Academic Institution
Extending HRT from 5 tp 10 years, whether with a SERM or an AI, reduces the risk of recurrence and new breast cancers. BUT the benefit is small and the toxicity not inconsequential, making decisions challenging. Oncotype was developed to identify patients who would benefit from chemotherapy. As chem...
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Academic Institution
The Breast Cancer Index (BCI) reports a risk assessment score, which is a prognostic score that estimates the risk of recurrence in the next 10 years, and it also has a response to therapy result (H/I ratio), which was designed to estimate the likelihood that a patient would benefit from extended en...
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Academic Institution
Several genomic prognostic assays appear to predict late relapse (BCI, Prosigna, EPclin), while others perform less well at this (Mammaprint, Oncotype Dx). BCI predicted EET benefit in MA.17. However, none of these assays have demonstrated that they add value beyond thoughtful clinical ascertainment...