Is it necessary to test CPS given the FDA approvals are not contingent on CPS %?
If you do test, do you check 28-8 (nivolumab), 22C3 (pembroliz...
How do you weigh the various efficacy endpoints in the trials of novel combinations in ccRCC?
Are there specific clinical populations that you ...
Do you go by FDA approval alone, or incorporate other data into your treatment decisions? How do you view updated recent presentation of CM-649 ...
Are there meaningful differences in the CHECKMATE 649 and KEYNOTE 590 studies to guide this decision?
Do you recommend or withhold influenza and pneumonia vaccines while on treatment with checkpoint inhibitors?
Assuming it is clinically indicated, would a checkpoint inhibitor be efficacious in a patient who has a concurrent autoimmune illness (PMR/TA) and is ...
Would you ever considering re-starting immunotherapy before completing the taper?
According to the new guildelines on managing immunotherapy related ...
Given recent FDA accelerated approval of pembrolizumab for MSI-H tumors regardless of site of origin, does it make sense to apply MSI testing, in...
For instance with isolated progression at one metastatic site, with all other disease stable and clinically doing well.
What immunosuppressive agents are used and in what order? Does your approach differ depending on the organ involved, e.g. colitis vs. pneumoniti...
If so, how often do you check these labs?