Would you preform Mammaprint to determine whether or not to offer neoadjuvant chemotherapy to a high risk ER+ breast cancer?
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Community Practice
Outside of T3/T4 or N2/3 disease, high-risk ER positive breast cancers are hard to be ascertained without doing genomic assays.We do have published data supporting the use of both Mammaprint and Oncotype performed on Core Bx to guide us on Neoadjuvant endocrine therapy versus chemotherapy. Two ...
Medical Oncologist at Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University I agree that in high-risk patients (clinical T4, N...
Medical Oncologist at UH Samaritan Medical Center @William M. Sikov if it ends up a high risk (T2N1,...
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Academic Institution
Yes, MammaPrint is a genomic test that can be used to identify ER+ patients who benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy. If a patient is predicted to benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy, she will also benefit to the same extent, if she receives the treatment preoperatively.Preoperative administration may ...
I agree that in high-risk patients (clinical T4, N...
@William M. Sikov if it ends up a high risk (T2N1,...