Would you offer OS/AI alone or the addition of chemotherapy to a premenopausal female with T3 N1mi ER+/PR+ breast cancer with an OncotypeDx score <11?
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Community Practice
Oncotype recurrence score (RS) testing provides both prognostic and predictive information. This is a tumor with a low score and has an excellent prognosis, regardless of what treatment is given. Chemotherapy would not be necessary in an endocrine-sensitive tumor such as this.The issue, of course, c...
Medical Oncologist at Beverly Hills Cancer Center I completely agree with Dr. @Massarweh's explanati...
Medical Oncologist at Providence Hospital-Southfield Cancer Center This is very helpful information when dealing with...
I completely agree with Dr. @Massarweh's explanati...
This is very helpful information when dealing with...