Would you hold off on whole brain radiotherapy for a patient with metastatic NSCLC and multiple asymptomatic brain metastases and will be starting immunotherapy?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
This is a very controversial area right now (as are most MedNet queries!). Given the data available and the opinion pieces by thought leaders right now on immunotherapy results in melanoma brain metastases, it would be very reasonable to hold off on WBRT for patients with asymptomatic melanoma...
Medical Oncologist at Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center Agree fully with Dr. @Laurie E. Gaspar.
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
Currently, assuming off protocol, I would not omit RT if the systemic therapy was immunotherapy. IT in melanoma brain metastases at least has a response rate of near 50% with combination ipi/nivo in prospective phase II data, and I have not seen data for RRs near that in NSCLC. I think th...
Radiation Oncologist at University of Colorado School of Medicine I think your approach is reasonable too. But...
Radiation Oncologist at Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center While Pembrolizumab does have an about 25% RR as r...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
The several answers above underscore the emerging conundrum and controversy. There is obviously no clear-cut correct or single answer and therefore one can opt to either wait and SRS later, or SRS up-front, and the choice will need to be individualized, and based on personal preference and log...
Radiation Oncologist at Northside Hospital Atlanta Thanks @Minesh P. Mehta. Agree in principle.
The ...
Radiation Oncologist at University of Colorado School of Medicine Yes, I was answering the question given that SRS w...
Radiation Oncologist at Northside Hospital Atlanta Thanks Dr. @Laurie E. Gaspar. Same
Medical Oncologist at Heartland Onc and Hem Reasonable approach in the absence of clear data. ...
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Community Practice
Disease control in asymptomatic patients with small-volume brain disease is just as valuable as disease response.
Given that disease control of i/o + chemotherapy is much greater than the response rate and the quality of life consequences, I would hold radiation and follow closely. if the patient f...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
In general, I agree with @Laurie E. Gaspar answer that delaying WBRT is an acceptable option these days.There is some information missing though that can change opinion in either direction
What is the size of the mets?
Very different approach if all BM are sub-cm vs larger
Size in Lancet Onco...
Agree fully with Dr. @Laurie E. Gaspar.