Would you give chemotherapy to a post menopausal woman with ER/PR positive HER2 negative breast cancer, T2N1 with 3+ lymph nodes, Ki-67 30% and OncoType RS of 10?
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Academic Institution
I would not give this postmenopausal woman adjuvant with a recurrence score of 10 based on RxPONDER trial. In that trial women with recurrence scores of 25 or less were randomized to receive chemotherapy + endocrine versus endocrine therapy alone. The Kaplan Meier curves were superimposable. I would...
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Academic Institution
I think this is a complicated situation that requires a nuanced approach. We know that clinicopathological features are important, independent of Oncotype RS. I would need to consider age (she is postmenopausal, but there is a difference between a 52-year-old and a 75-year-old), grade, tumor size, %...
Medical Oncologist at Lynn Reg Cancer Center Agree with Dr. @Saundra S. Buys. I'd love to know ...
Medical Oncologist at Northwell Health 3/10 LNs with macroscopic mets and extracapsular e...
Medical Oncologist at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Dr. @Meekoo Dhar, out of curiosity, why do the Onc...
Medical Oncologist at Cancer Care Specialists/Renown Oncology/UNR Maybe repeat Oncotype in post-op sample to reconci...
Medical Oncologist at Breastlink Medical Group This is a scenario where I'm not sure I believe th...
Medical Oncologist at MD Anderson Cancer Center Agree with this. Will re-send Oncotype postop.
Medical Oncologist at New York Cancer & Blood Specialists A follow-up question, on pre-op Oncotype vs post-o...
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Community Practice
I would not recommend adjuvant chemotherapy for a postmenopausal woman with 1-3 nodes based on RxPONDER. With an Oncotype of 10, this is an endocrine-sensitive tumor that has favorable prognosis and the key is to start endocrine therapy and plan for extended duration, don’t stop at 5 years for...
Medical Oncologist All of these thoughts are useful insights into a c...
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Community Practice
While Oncotype DX Recurrence Score (ODX-RS) has prognostic and predictive value regarding adjuvant chemotherapy, recent studies have shown the clinical distinctiveness in BRCA1/2–driven early breast cancers or invasive lobular breast cancers, as well as the age being an important factor. There...