Would you consider adjuvant chemotherapy for a patient with T1a N0 triple negative breast cancer?
If so, what would be the regimen that you would consider and what factors would sway you for or against chemotherapy for such patients?
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Academic Institution
This is indeed a tough situation and one that we may see more and more as our screening techniques keep getting better.I do consider giving adjuvant chemotherapy for T1ab TNBC and will discuss this option with my patients based on a few factors. Multiple retrospective studies have shown that the DFS...
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Academic Institution
I treat T1mic/T1a and T1b N0 TNBC differently; I am not convinced of the benefit from adjuvant chemo in patients with very small, often incidentally detected TNBC (T1mic/T1a) while I agree that patients with T1b cancers should be treated, barring significant comorbidities that contraindicate treatme...