Other than part of a clinical trial or for its FDA-approved indication (second-line therapy for metastatic squamous-cell NSCLC), when do you offer nivolumab to your patients with NSCLC?
For example, should nivolumab be considered standard second-line therapy for adenocarcinoma patients? Can it be considered for first-line therapy in NSCLC patients with a performance status too poor for traditional chemotherapy?
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Community Practice
Great question. In CHECKMATE 017 (Spigel et al ASCO 2015), we learned that nivolumab was associated with an improved overall survival when compared to docetaxel in the second-line treatment of squamous NSCLC(9.2 vs 6 mo). CHECKMATE 057 (Paz-Ares et al ASCO 2015) was a similarly structured trial w...