Is it reasonable to offer observation with MRI rather than immediate PCI for patients with limited stage SCLC?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
This is an important question with implications for both overall survival (OS) and quality of life (QOL) where level-1 evidence is currently lacking. It is also the subject of an ongoing phase 3 trial (SWOG S1827/Maverick) that randomizes patients with limited-stage (LS) and extensive-stage (ES) SCL...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
The Meta-analyses reported a survival advantage in LD SCLC. About 10% present with isolated BM, and 60% fail in the brain without PCI. Decreased cognition was reported by 24 months by Arriagada.
Some have noted decreased cognition post WBRT in both NSCLC. There has been advocates for obser...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
I have no problem discussing PCI in terms of risks and benefits. There are clearly cognitive side effects and the extent for any given patient are impossible to predict. I give patients the data on number need to treat to get one life saved (20) at 3 years and discuss the benefit of preventing morbi...
Medical Oncologist at Tower Health Medical Group Great idea. The NNT is much more understandable to...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
For patients with stage I disease, I have offered observation as well as PCI. Xu J et al (J Thorac Oncol 2017;12(2):347-53) reported that for surgically resected stage I disease, there was no survival advantage and no associated reduction in the development of brain metastases (13.6% vs 10.5%). Howe...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
The standard of care remains PCI and I discuss risks and benefits with patients, who can certainly make an informed decision to decline PCI since the tradeoff of a likely reduction in brain mets/neurologic death vs. neurocognitive effects can be viewed very differently by different patients. I do th...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
I accept no PCI for over 70, and stage I S or SBRT patients. Randomize ED. I’m not convinced H-Sparing works. Brain toxicity occurs, in my reading, not common, and measures used are not convincing. The best way to get poor cognition is allowing a met. Not convinced that SRS salvages. Prove ben...