In the case of a peri-menopausal woman on adjuvant tamoxifen, would you consider switching endocrine therapies solely due to an estradiol level if this was checked and found to be significantly elevated?  

Patient had estradiol level checked by her gynecologist due to recent irregular bleeding. Estradiol level was markedly elevated on initial testing (900-1000 pg/ml) and improved on repeat testing (600-700 pg/ml).

Knowing that tamoxifen can lead to elevated estrogen levels, would this be at a high enough level for you to be concerned? Do you use a certain cut off? 

Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Academic Institution

Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Community Practice
Medical Oncologist at Colorado Permanente Medical Group Hematology & Oncology
I would like to know more about why you would swit...
Medical Oncologist at St. Charles Cancer Center
Agree with Dr. @Susan M. Freeman. We usually do no...
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