In LS-SCLC, for a patient with positive mediastinal LN but PET negative ipsilateral hilum, would you treat the hilum?
If so, would you treat to full dose or lower elective dose?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
I generally agree with Dr. @Simul Parikh, however, it would depend on the location of the primary tumor. If the dose to the primary treated part of the hilum, I would treat the hilum more comprehensively. This just because it would be so difficult to go back should the tumor fail there. I agree that...
Radiation Oncologist at Mon Health @Craig W. Stevens,
Thank you.
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
No. With PET staging, there is a low rate of isolated nodal failure and at this point in time, I would only treat the positive areas. A prospective study from the Dutch studied this and found just 3% failure rate. That being said, elective nodal irradiation with more conformal fields (VMAT) may...
Radiation Oncologist at West Virginia University Medicine Agreed. The only scenario where my bias would cons...
Radiation Oncologist at West Virginia University Medicine I would discuss the pros and cons, as Auperin incl...
Radiation Oncologist at Wake Forest School of Medicine Dr. @Simul Parikh, do you think that the overall l...
Radiation Oncologist at Lake Huron Medical Center Definitely possible!
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
It's rare for SCLC to not involve the hilum somehow. For example, I would feel uneasy skipping the negative hilum for a central-ish tumor with Lv 4 involved. In the 3D era, the hilum for sure got dosed, and it's counterintuitive to intentionally cool down the hilum with IMRT when the tumor most like...
Radiation Oncologist at Lake Huron Medical Center In 3D era or 2D era? In 3D era, we should have had...
Radiation Oncologist at Ascension Via Christi Interestingly, I had a patient recently with what ...
Radiation Oncologist at West Virginia University Medicine Great insight, although I don't think we'll ever h...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
Playing a bit of devil's advocate in favor of not electively covering (nor purposely avoiding) the ipsilateral hilar region, a couple of additional points to consider, though by no means authoritative guideline:- Direct lung parenchyma-to-mediastinal lymphatic drainage patterns, bypassing the hilar ...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
The recently published "High-dose versus standard-dose twice-daily thoracic radiotherapy for patients with LSSCLC: an open label, randomized, phase 2 trial" (Grønberg et al., PMID 33662285) is, to me, the most significant publication regarding radiation therapy for this disease recently. They...
Radiation Oncologist at Radiation Oncology of Atlanta Is it appropriate to open a question regarding whe...
@Craig W. Stevens, Thank you. Fred