How would you prescribe RT dose to post-op vulvar cancer with margins positive for severe dysplasia?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
Need to quantify:
If this positive dysplasia is dVIN, then I would favor re-excision, as it is high risk factor for local relapse and I don’t know if RT alone would be effective.
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
I agree with @Sushil Beriwal's opinion.Radiation therapy may not be effective, but equally important it is not indicated, in my opinion, for this lesion. Even though there is a more established relationship between cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia and invasive cancer, according to van Setters et ...
Radiation Oncologist at Maimonides Medical Center Would you consider radiation for a patient who has...
Radiation Oncologist at CCare What about a patient who has other criteria for RT...
Radiation Oncologist at Varian Medical Systems/Allegheny health network Yes for both situations as described above. For dV...