How would you approach therapy for a patient with a history of classical HL who achieved a CR to 6 cycles of Brentuximab plus AVD who now presents with widespread non-GC DLBCL?
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Community Practice
Depending on the time from initial treatment, age, and the patient's fitness, could consider several options.
If it has been within a short interval, then would be concerned that the DLBCL was present during or shortly after exposure to anthracycline. In that case, would treat with R-CEOP with co...
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Academic Institution
Since ABVD consists of anthracycline, alkylator, and vinca alkaloid, R-CHOP is unlikely to result in durable remission. I would use a rituximab-containing regimen such as RICE or R-GEMOX and proceed with autologous stem cell transplant.