For oligometastatic NSCLC that would be otherwise considered stage 3, would you consider consolidative immunotherapy with durvalumab after definitive treatment for both the primary and oligometastatic site?
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Academic Institution
The occurrence of NSCLC defined by âstage IIIâ disease in the chest, i.e. a primary lesion and mediastinal nodal involvement with an accompanying solitary metastasis elsewhere in the body (most typically another lobe of the lung, adrenal or brain) is a situation t...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
This is an excellent question and timely in light of the greater numbers of patients being referred for "definitive treatment" of limited metastatic NSCLC. I fully agree with @Martin J. Edelman that there are multiple reasons/justification to offer these patients IO after their "definitive ther...