In follow up to @Jacqueline Casillas presentation at ASCO 2021 regarding models of survivorship care delivery for AYA patients.
Are there any effective non-pharm or pharm interventions?
What is the best way to counsel families in regards to their child's risk of infertility and need for fertility preservation?
How do you counsel a pre-menopausal female with endometrioid cancer desiring definitive RT with egg harvesting and IVF for fertility preservation inst...
How do you prevent early menopause in women? Please comment on freezing of eggs, oophopexy, supine vs prone position, vaginal dialator.
Is there specific workup you perform? Are there preventive measures? Once established, are there non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatments yo...
How long do you advise them to refrain from unprotected sex following RT? I was trained to discuss these issues with patients but the gonada...