Are there situations for which you consider concurrent chemoradiation for breast cancer patients?
This is rarely done, but recently came up in a tumor board discussion. Which chemotherapy would you consider using, and when?
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Academic Institution
This is an area that has been poorly studied. Rich Zellars did two small pilot trials of concurrent PBI (external beam) (1,2) with adjuvant chemo. The first trial used ddAC as the chemo; the second allowed any standard chemo regimen. The trials were small (25-35 patients) but the combination was ver...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
Most of the experience with concurrent chemoradiation for breast cancer comes from the era of CMF chemotherapy. One of the rationales for delivering RT concurrent with CMF was to avoid delaying radiation for 6 months. In many cases methotrexate was dropped for the cycle overlapping with RT, or RT wa...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
Great question.
docetaxel has been used concurrently in small series:
In training we used this approach for pts with recurrent inoperable SCV recurrences.