After an optimal tertiary cytoreduction for recurrent granulosa cell tumor previously treated with BEP and hormonal therapy, would you recommend systemic chemotherapy?
Initial diagnosis was 15+ years ago
Answer from: at Academic Institution
Yes, I would give adjuvant therapy.
I would go with carbo taxol. The MD Anderson people have been using this regimen for some time. It is less toxic and appears to be as active as BEP.
I think Jubilee Brown published a paper on this subject recently. This exact meeting was not specifically address...
If it was R0 with no residual disease, then - no - I would not treat.
If there was some disease left (even if optimal) - I would consider chemo - Carbo/taxol - not BEP.
Observation is also very reasonable in order to reserve further systemic chemo for when the disease is no longer resectable. ...